About Us
"Social Transformation Group" is an independent ad-hoc analytical group to the support of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research in the field of social and cultural anthropology and social psychology (theoretical and practical study of the factors and drivers of group behavior in various conditions aimed to reduce social risks of conflict and crisis management), publishing, expertise management decisions, organization of expert discussions (seminars, roundtables, conferences, etc.), support of public events.
Activity is aimed to increasing awareness of the transforming society through the structured influences for forming sustainable feedbacks and individualized response to crisis threats in a dynamic social environments.

Dr. Yuriy V. Kostyuchenko, Ph.D., D.Sc., Associated Professor, is a Leading Research Scientist and leader of Mathematical modeling of Geo-systems and Risk analysis Work-group of Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
He received an MS in Astrophysics and Stellar Astronomy from Moscow State University in 1993. After that he joined National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a Scientist, where he received his PhD in Geophysics and Remote Sensing in 1997, and D.Sc. in Engineering and Remote Sensing in 2018. In 2011-2014 he served on position of Assistant Professor of the Geomorphology and Soil Science Department of the Faculty of Geography, Kiev University. Since 2000 he serves as Executive secretary of Ukrainian National Member Organization of International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
Yuriy V. Kostyuchenko is a member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), member of American Meteorological Society (AMS), American Statistical Society (ASA), member of the International society for optics and photonics (SPIE), the Canadian network for research on terrorism, security and society (TSAS), and International Association for Promotion Geoethics (IAPG).
He is author and co-author of more than 70 scientific papers and book chapters in fields of remote sensing, Earth sciences (environmental security, climate change), engineering, applied mathematics and social sciences (psychology, social anthropology, terrorism and cyber-terrorism study). His research interests include remote sensing and GIS application for environmental, socio-ecological, domestic and homeland security analysis, complex risk analysis using non-parametric approaches, climate change and disaster analysis for environmental, agricultural, food and water security.

Dr. Viktor Pushkar works as an independent researcher and scientific consultant since 1998. He received a MS in Audio Engineering from Kyiv Polytechnical institute in 1992, and PhD in Psychology form Shevchenko National university of Kyiv in 1998.
He served as the Senior researcher / senior lecturer at Shevchenko National university of Kyiv (2001-2011), as the guest lecturer at American Common Law Center, at Faculty of Law, Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2016), as Scientific consultant (2004-2012), and research director (2013-2015) at NGO Maidan Monitoring. He also served as the scientific consultant and research contributor at Association of Middle East Studies (2008-2015), Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (2008-2013), Center of Information on Human Rights (2016-2017).
He is author of more than 40 scientific publications, incliding the studies of Human Rights, Human Security and Conflict Transformation. His scientific interests include Psychology, Anthropology, Social Science, Musicology and Psychoacoustics, he also experienced in Music, Sonic and Audiovisual Arts since 1992. He participated in international festivals as a composer (2006-2008).

Olga Malysheva works on system analysis and mathematic modeling since 1990. She received an MS in Geochemistry and MS in Functional Analysis from Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1991, and complete a Doctoral studies on theme “Modeling of Open Systems based on materials of Basic Gold Ore Deposits of Middle Dnieper Area” in 1991-1996. She served as an engineer in dept. of Metallogeny of Institute of Geochemistry and Physics of Minerals of National Academy of Science in 1991-1996; as the system programmer in private company “DY” in 1996–1998, as the researcher in informational department of National Restoration Center of Ukraine in 1999–2000, as senior researcher of Museum of Theater, Music and Cinema Arts of Ukraine in 2000–2013, and as the system analyst at NGO Maidan Monitoring in 2006-2016. She is author of more than 20 scientific publications. Her scientific interests include Anthropology, Social Science, Neuroscience, and Open System Modelling.

Maxim Yuschenko is Leading Engineer of Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He received an MS in Geography and Education from Kiev National Pedagogical University in 2000. After that he joined National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as an Engineer. His research interests include GIS and remote sensing application for environmental and socio-ecological security and risk analysis.
Maxim Yuschenko is author and co-author of more than 30 scientific papers and book chapters in fields of Earth sciences, engineering and social sciences (military history, social anthropology, terrorism and cyber-terrorism study).
- Kostyuchenko, Y., Pushkar, V., Malysheva, O., & Yuschenko, M (2022).
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Radical Behavior and Armed Conflict Escalation Risks: Case of Donbas (East Ukraine) Warfare.
International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), 12(1), 1-19. IGI Global. - Kostyuchenko, Y. V., & Pushkar, V. (2022).
On the Analysis of Horror Stories in the Militants' Narratives as Markers of Violent Behavior and Conflict Identity: Case of “L/DPR” During the Warfare in Donbass, East Ukraine, 2014-2021. .
International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), 12(1), 1-19. IGI Global. - Kostyuchenko, Y. V., Yuschenko, M., Movchan, D., & Kopachevsky, I. (2017, October).
Analysis of economic values of land use and land cover changes in crisis territories by satellite data: models of socio-economy and population dynamics in war.
In Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications VIII (Vol. 10428, p. 104280C). International Society for Optics and Photonics. - Kostyuchenko, Y. V., Pushkar, V., Malysheva, O., & Yuschenko, M. (2019).
Big Data Analysis for Terroristic Behavior Identification and Study Using Social Networks: Illegal Armed Groups During the Conflict in Donbas Region (East Ukraine).
In Developments in Information Security and Cybernetic Wars (pp. 197-235). IGI Global. - Kostyuchenko, Y. V., & Yuschenko, M. (2017).
Methods and Tools of Big Data Analysis for Terroristic Behavior Study and Threat Identification: Illegal Armed Groups during the Conflict in Donbas Region (East Ukraine) in Period 2014-2015.
InThreat Mitigation and Detection of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism Activities (pp. 52-66). IGI Global. - Kostyuchenko, Y. V., & Yuschenko, M. (2017).
Toward Approaches to Big Data Analysis for Terroristic Behavior Identification: Child Soldiers in Illegal Armed Groups During the Conflict in the Donbas Region (East Ukraine).
International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), 7(1), 1-12. - Kostyuchenko, Y., Yuschenko, M., & Artemenko, I. (2018).
On Experience of Social Networks Exploration for Comparative Analysis of Narratives of Foreign Members of Armed Groups: IS and L/DPR in Syria and Ukraine in 2015-2016.
International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT), 8(2), 17-31. - Kostyuchenko Yu., Yuschenko M., Kravchuk I. (2019).
On the application of communication models in approaches to socio-environmental risks minimization.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-174, EGU General Assembly-2019 - Kopachevsky, I., Kostyuchenko, Y. V., & Stoyka, O. (2016).
Land use drivers of population dynamics in tasks of security management and risk assessment.
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 1(1), 18-25. - Kostyuchenko, Y. V. (2016).
Risk Perception Based Approach to Analysis of Social Vulnerability. Risk Perception: Theories and Approaches.
Nova Publ. - Kostyuchenko, Y. V., Yuschenko, M., Movchan, D., Zagorodny, A. G., & Yermoliev, Y. M. (2013).
Regional risk analysis based on multisource data statistics of natural disasters. I
ntegrated modeling of food, energy and water security management for sustainable social, economic and environmental developments, 229-238. - Kostyuchenko, Y. V., Yuschenko, M., & Kopachevsky, I. (2018).
Stochastic approaches to analysis and modeling of multi-sources and big data in tasks of homeland security: socio-economic and socio-ecological crisis control tools.
Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Science and Engineering, 57.