Taliban: Special decree on women's rights

Taliban: Special decree on women's rights
The Taliban has published a special decree on the rights of women.

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Merciful

The leadership of the Islamic Emirate instructs all relevant officials, religious scholars and tribal elders to take serious steps to realize the next rights of women.

  • During the marriage, the consent of an adult woman is required (provided that the marriage is entered into freely, without the threat of fitnah or bribery).
  • No one can force a woman to get married.
  • A woman is not an achievement, but a noble and free man, no one should give her to anyone under a contract.
  • After the death of the husband, after the end of Shariah ida (for four months and ten nights or during pregnancy), the widow cannot be forced into marriage. Let him rely on the Lord (with respect for freedom of choice and without the threat of fitnah or bribery).
  • A widow has the right to receive a dowry from her new husband.
  • A woman is entitled to a certain share of the inheritance of her deceased husband, children, parents and other relatives. No one can deprive her of this right.
  • He who has several wives is obliged to give fair rights to all his women in accordance with Sharia and to observe the principles of justice in the relations with them.

The relevant governing bodies of the Emirate should take measures to implement this order and ensure its proper implementation:

  • In particular, the Ministry of Hajj and Religions is tasked with encouraging scholars and preachers to disseminate guidelines on women's rights so that through their sermons and instructions people can understand that the oppression of women and the neglect of their rights will be punished by Allah: Almighty will show His resentment and will direct His torment and wrath upon the transgressors.
  • The Ministry of Information and Culture should also continuously disseminate written and explanatory materials on women's rights in written and audio form through its own resources. As far as possible, it should publish some of the most important pamphlets, using its own resources to draw scholars' attention to women's Sharia rights, raise awareness and prevent ongoing oppression.
  • The Supreme Court should instruct all courts to consider petitions of women, especially widows, for violations of their rights and harassment against them in principle, and not to discriminate against them in order to get rid of Sharia harassment and rights. There should be no restrictions on the handling of such complaints.
  • Governors and district heads should fully cooperate with these ministries and the Supreme Court in implementing this decree.

Amir al-Muminin

The leadership of the Islamic Emirate

28/4/1443; 12/8/1400; ــ 2021/12/3