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Social Transformation Group

Articles of the month: Nov 2020
Articles of the month
01 December 2020
The most interesting and important papers on the crisis anthropology and the adjacent areas in November 2020

Library update Now 24, 2020
Projects Monthly
23 November 2020
New article Decorated weapon from the Middle East was added to Library.

Decorated weapon from the Middle East
23 November 2020
15 photos from Pakistan (Khyber, Darra), Iraq and Syria (Syrian Democratic Forces)

Library update Now 15, 2020
Projects Monthly
15 November 2020
9 new photos were added to Library article Al-Quaeda weapons from Yemen (images 32 - 40)

Statement of Taliban concerning U.S. Presidential Election, Nov 10, 2020
Terrorism Watch
13 November 2020
Taliban issued a statement in which it actually acknowledged the change of the US president, and reminded the new president of the signed agreement.
Articles of the month: Oct 2020
Articles of the month
09 November 2020
The most interesting and important papers on the crisis anthropology and the adjacent areas in October 2020