Celebration of the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, 1917 in Russia

Celebration of the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, 1917 in Russia

The narrative of “Russian in a permanent civilizational conflict with the rest of world” is the main practice of the Kremlin’s aggressive policy. I

n the practice of Kremlin propaganda, "Russian man" is identified with "simple man." The roots of the “simple man” narrative lie in the mythologized Soviet past. Therefore, the cult of the Soviet past, including magnificent celebrations of “revolution", "victory", etc., should be recognized as the integral part of the Kremlin’s aggressive policy; and the escalation of manifestations of this cult are the indicators of the radicalization of Russia's aggressive behavior.

Video (Moscow)

On November 6-7, 2019, on the anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917, authority-supported mass events were held in various cities of Russia, and a military parade “dedicated to the memory of the 1941 parade” was held in Moscow.

Mass events also took place in the territories of other countries occupied by Russia. 

It was reported, that in some cases, the opposition slogans were declarated.

Hash tags

#Russia, #Moscow, #Kremlin, #RussianRevolution, #Soviet, #propaganda, #Donbas, #Crimea, #Donetsk, #Sevastopol, #Feodosia