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Social Transformation Group
10 March 2024
A) (-) Read More Crisis anthropology
crisis anthropology
31 January 2024
In 2023, after a long illness, our friend, colleague and co-founder of STGroup Yuriy Kostyuchenko passed away. Since Mr. Yuriy made a significant contribution to our collective scientific developments, and he was a one-of-a-kind specialist in a nu... "Prone to betrayal, lies and deceit"
22 July 2022
The stamp that is massively put on documents in the Russian Federation this year (military tickets) Від редакції: про нашу місію під час війни
Volume 3 (2022) Issue 2 (Apr - June)
06 July 2022
Війна є одним з найрадикальніших шляхів соціальних трансформацій, вона швидко і докорінно змінює суспільства. SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION GROUP DonatePartnersWe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. |