Viktor Pushkar

Dr. Viktor Pushkar works as an independent researcher and scientific consultant since 1998. He received a MS in Audio Engineering from Kyiv Polytechnical institute in 1992, and PhD in Psychology form Shevchenko National university of Kyiv in 1998. He served as the Senior researcher / senior lecturer at Shevchenko National university of Kyiv (2001-2011), as the guest lecturer at American Common Law Center, at Faculty of Law, Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2016), as Scientific consultant (2004-2012), and research director (2013-2015) at NGO Maidan Monitoring. He also served as the scientific consultant and research contributor at Association of Middle East Studies (2008-2015), Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (2008-2013), Center of Information on Human Rights (2016-2017). He is author of more than 40 scientific publications, incliding the studies of Human Rights, Human Security and Conflict Transformation. His scientific interests include Psychology, Anthropology, Social Science, Musicology and Psychoacoustics, he also experienced in Music, Sonic and Audiovisual Arts since 1992. He participated in international festivals as a composer (2006-2008).

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